Monday, December 26, 2011

Finally an Update!

I know it has been awhile since I have posted on here, but with no Internet at home it is hard to find the time. It also means that no news is usually good news :) We started off December with a weekend long celebration of Sam's birthday. Since we can't have him around large groups of people we had a few people over each night to get our family and friends in on the festivities. Sam really enjoyed this and this also allowed him to spend more time with each person instead of a huge group only around for a short time. The following weeks were spent with a couple of dr appts and labs/X-ray, and we started going to speech again once a week. Nothing too exciting other than getting ready for the usual Christmas stuff until Saturday the 17th...I was in Owensboro shopping when Brian called and said Sam jumped off our bed. I came home to find him holding his leg and screaming. Off to the er we went and he did indeed break his right leg! It isn't a bad break and it is in place, so we are lucky to only have a hard splint to wear instead of a cast. We see the ortho dr again January 16, we just have to keep it protected and no bearing weight until then. He had a rough week after this incident, some desating and higher oxygen requirements than he's needed before, so we made a trip to Louisville just to be safe before the holiday weekend. Everything checked out fine and it is hopefully just a slight hiccup for him that we may see from time to time. We had a wonderful weekend with lots of opening presents and lots of family and food, of course! We will do labs tomorrow and speak with our cardio dr on wednesday to see when we need anoter checkup. I will try to get to a computer soon so I can upload some new pics :)