Thursday, November 28, 2013


Today is Thanksgiving....and although we are not at home waiting to share a meal with our friends and family, we are thankful just the same. We are probably more aware of what we are truly thankful for on this cold day Boston. It is always wonderful to spend time with loved ones and eat way too much delicious food, but today I am thankful for much more important things. 
I am thankful for God's amazing grace and forgiveness that I do not deserve but He gives me everyday. 
I am thankful God chose me to be Sam's mommy.
I am thankful for my amazing best friend that is also my husband. 
I am thankful for the opportunity to be at Boston where Sam is recieving the best cardiac care available. 
I am thankful for all the friends and family and church families that have helped support us in any way and made this trip a possibility for us. 
I am thankful for familiar faces and friends here in Boston that make this trip so much more bearable....

Sam has had a good and quiet night. His numbers look great, and we will find out after rounds if it is a possibility to extubate later today. That will be the quickest we have ever done that if it happens today, and I cannot wait for my boy to wake up. In the icu I can only have my phone on when sitting in the back of the room, and I will spend most of the day by Sam's bed. So please be patience with us on updates and answering/returning texts, calls, and messages. We will be focused on what is most important right now. And I promise we will update with any big news or changes. I will leave you with a few pics. The first is how we spent the entire day yesterday, waiting. We shut the waiting room down. Then I will also post some pics of Sam post-op. If you are not comfortable seeing that, don't scroll down and look. I completely understand. But a lot of our followers are used to and like to see the pics so they can see the progress. He actually looks great :)

1 comment:

  1. Laura your sweet angel looks so peaceful. We are so thankful that God answered our prayers and I have complete faith that God will see him through his recovery process. We will all be thinking and praying for each of you, so never feel alone, we are with you and God is with you. Thank You for taking the time to blog each step of this journey and sharing all the pics of Sam with us. Love You All, The House Family: Melissa, Norman, Preston, Bethanie and Shyleigh Grace. < 3
