Monday, October 31, 2011

Prayer Request for Sam's belly...

Sam has blood draining out of his gtube... He was getting settled in bed for the night, drank 100ml of pediasure, like always, and was hacking and coughing like he does. He spit up a little formula and mucus which is also normal for him, but it had quite a bit of dried blood in it. I still would not have thought too much about it, he hadn't got his Prilosec for a few days and I didn't realize it, so we just started it yesterday and I wasn't surprised with a little blood. We sat him up to change his clothes and I could see the dark blood had come to the surface of his gtube button, when I drew back with a syringe, it was all blood. We have done a belly X-ray, which looks fine, drawn labs, put his gtube to drainage and see what happens from here. He is npo as of now and all his meds are back to iv for the night, and he will also get iv fluids since he's npo. Please pray this is something minor with an easy solution and explanation. Will update tomorrow with any new info.

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